Bailey (Bailey v.d. zeven provinciën) retired
Father: Alan soli deo gratia
Mother: Gabriella de golden bull
Date of birth: August 16 2013
Weight: 12,6 kilo
test results: Attest
Breathing at rest: type of costo-abdominal distemper NO
breathing after a 5-minute walk and normal pace :
type costo-abdominal noise NO
Knee joint / patella luxation
Left: absent
Right: absent
Results of official Patella research according to the Meustege protocol
Results official ED research
ElleboogDysplasiecertificaat Bailey
Results ECVO eye examination
ECVO uitslag Bailey
Bailey is a sweet and very social dog with an open and free character. She is cautious in approach to other people and a good social dog with other dogs. it is a nice strong muscular bitch with a slightly longer bak and nice airways. We have taken our Bailey from another breeder where she had her first litter.
Despite this, we decided to have just a little more research carried out on her then just an ‘ attest’ .
That is why we commissioned the ECVO eye examination, had the Meustege protocol performed on the knees and had pictures taken of the elbows. The official results are also on the site of the board of directions ( Bailey is free from any of these deviations.
Also, Bailey is tested in 2017 by DogsWork to see if she is suitable to use as a therapydog. Bailey has passed through the test and i can officially use her as a therapydog.